
About The Firm

Chances are, if you are reading this page on my website right now, you are in the midst of a crisis. A legal crisis. You may have been arrested for a crime, or accused of a crime. The fact is -- you don’t need to be a criminal, to be accused of a crime in Massachusetts. It happens to normal, everyday people all the time. When it happens, it is a time of high anxiety, despair, fear and hopelessness.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You’ve come to the right place: Our clients frequently tell us that we don’t just represent them, we rescue them – and that is a critical point of differentiation that we pride ourselves on.

Bigger Is Not Always Better

We are small enough to give you dedicated personal attention, yet big enough and experienced enough to handle your case with the expertise it deserves. Our lead criminal defense attorney, William D. Kickham, has more than 25 years of experience defending criminal clients successfully. And he does it personally. Nowadays, the big secret in the legal industry is that many law firms are merging to create huge firms that are the equivalent of a legal “Big Box” store. Ask yourself: Do you really want to be represented by the Costco of criminal defense – a large law firm where you’re only one client among hundreds? You won’t be told this, but at those huge firms – the ones in the tony offices with the Oriental rugs and mahogany desks – your case will likely just be one of many, shuffled off to a paralegal or a recent graduate, and filed at the bottom of the pile. We don’t do that. Attorney Kickham personally handles and hand-picks all his cases at his boutique firm, offering superior, partner-level attention that focuses on you, your case, and the best possible outcome.

You may be shopping for a lawyer on the internet – we know and understand that our potential clients do this. Don’t be misled by the prospect of a criminal defense attorney who offers you the lowest fee. While our fees are not the lowest, our talent, expertise and track record are among the highest and speak for themselves. Hiring an attorney who offers you the lowest fee may be the worst decision you could make right now: As is true in any profession, you will get what you pay for. And once the case is over, it’s rare that a jury’s or a judge’s decision can be reversed. Contact us now for a free consultation to discuss your case, and your legal options.

We are available 24/7. We offer a rapid response to all internet and phone inquiries. And if we cannot accept your case immediately due to other client commitments, we network with a wealth of other expert criminal defense attorneys who work with us, to handle your case in the best way possible, under the guidance and talent of Attorney Kickham. Believe it or not – we are the lawyers who make “house calls.” Try finding that at a large downtown law firm. We know and understand that many of our clients simply cannot meet during 9-5, and we literally “go the extra mile” to accommodate our clients. Ask around – we doubt you will find another criminal defense lawyer who offers this kind of superior service. We are confident in how unique our approach is.

Critical Advantages That Make The Difference

If you’ve watched Court TV or Fox-25TV, read The Boston Herald, or METRO newspaper on the T or commuter rail or listened to WBZ-AM Radio, chances are you’ve seen Attorney Kickham’s name or heard him comment as an expert legal analyst to the media. Attorney Kickham is so good at what he does, that the media frequently seek him out, for his interpretation and analysis of criminal cases and trials that have achieved wide attention. Attorney Kickham has been quoted many times in the media, due to his unique expertise and perspectives in criminal defense. He is highly skilled at understanding criminal defense cases – and achieving outstanding results in the courtroom.

Make The Right Choice For Yourself

Do yourself a favor and call Attorney Kickham right now at office phone number: (781) 320-0062, or email us. He will offer you a free consultation regarding your specific situation, and start the process of offering you relief and expertise about your legal situation. Look around our website right now, to see true testimonials from our satisfied clients. And then make the right choice – Attorney William D. Kickham.

You’ll be glad that you did. Because as our clients would tell you, we won’t just represent you – we’ll rescue you.

Client Reviews
When I was arrested for DUI, I was absolutely terrified. Had it not been for you, I might have been convicted of something I was not at all guilty of. My work life, my family life, my reputation, all could have been destroyed. You stood by me like the legal version of a bodyguard - and because of you, I was found not guilty. G.M.
When we got the call that our son had been arrested and charged with rape, we almost fainted. We know our son. He is not violent; he has never abused anyone, let alone another girl… If not for you and your "take no prisoners" attitude, our son might have been convicted of a crime that would have sent him to state prison. As far as we're concerned, our son owes you his life, and we owe you the world. We will never forget you. A.H. and P.H.
I hired Mr. William D. Kickham for a very important legal issue and I was extremely satisfied by the results. His in depth knowledge about the matter and his intelligent thinking was extremely beneficial. He is really an expert. He was also very supportive and sensitive towards my concerns. It was great to have a lawyer of his capacity. Thanks William for all the Help. N.G.
Atty. Kickham defended me on a charge of raping my girlfriend, who made up the whole story out of revenge because I was interested in someone else. If it weren’t for Attorney Kickham proving me innocent, God knows what might have happened to me. Z.B.
Mr. Kickham represented me on a trumped-up charge of domestic violence. The prosecutor and police wouldn’t back down, even after my spouse told them it was all untrue. They insisted on taking me to trial, and Mr. Kickham never wavered. He was my legal bodyguard, and I was found not guilty. M.B.
Of the many talents Atty. Kickham has, two are these: 1) He is ten times as persuasive as the best lawyer you’ve seen in the movies; and 2) Nothing - but nothing - gets by him. The police arrested me on completely false drug charges, and after a heated courtroom battle, Atty. Kickham won the day. Trust me, it was no surprise. D.C.
Because I mildly disciplined my child for throwing a tantrum, I was actually charged with child abuse. It was horrifying. Atty. Kickham fought for me tooth and nail, until I was declared not guilty. One hell of a lawyer. D.D.
I complimented a co-worker on her looks and patted her on the back as I did so. Two hours later, the police showed up and accused me of indecent assault & battery. From the day I hired him, Atty. Kickham fought the DA’s office until the charges were dropped. If not for him, my life would have been ruined. A.K.
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