
Aggravated Rape

Aggavated rape is a particular form of rape, and is governed under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265 Section 22 (a). Aggravated rape is defined as a rape that occurs under any of the following scenarios:

  • Rape that results in or is committed with acts that cause serious bodily injury. This is most often the case when a victim is beaten, even if demonstrated by mere bruising.
  • Rape that is committed by a "joint enterprise" between two or more persons. This does not have to mean a "gang rape"; it can be two persons only.
  • Rape that is committed during the commission, or even attempted commission, of one or more of several underlying offenses, (such as, for example, robbery or kidnapping.) These offenses are enumerated in Massachusetts General Laws: Chapter 265 Section 15(A), 15(B), 17, 19 or 26; Chapter 266 Section 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18; or Chapter 269 Section 10.
  • To convict a defendant charged with aggravated rape, the Commonwealth is required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the following three elements:
  • That the defendant did commit "rape", as defined above and in greater detail by Chapter 265 Section 22(b).
  • That the defendant committed one of the non-sexual crimes against persons, property or the public peace that are referenced in the statute governing aggravated rape. These crimes include:

    • assault and battery with a dangerous weapon;
    • assault with a dangerous weapon;
    • robbery and armed robbery;
    • kidnapping;
    • burglary and armed burglary;
    • breaking and entering at night; breaking and entering in the day time;
    • breaking and entering a building, ship or motor vehicle or vessel in the day;
    • Carrying dangerous weapons; or possession of a machine gun or sawed-off shotgun.
    • That the defendant committed the rape during the commission of the non-sexual crime.


Aggravated rape is punishable by life or any term of years in state prison.

Make The Best Choice In Hiring Your Attorney

Aggravated rape charges are the worst of the various rape charges under Massachusetts law. A conviction on this charge can easily result in a lengthy state prison sentence - even life. Make the wrong choice in your attorney, and the consequences can be devastating. If you or someone you care about is facing a charge of aggravated rape, you need the best legal counsel you can find. contact us for a free consultation. We can help you decide what, legally, are your best options and defense strategies. Do not make your choice of attorney in this matter lightly. These charges demand an attorney who has defended these cases successfully for many years - one that is expert-level qualified. If you're facing this charge, you're at a critical decision point. Make the wrong choice of attorney, and you may find yourself in prison for a long time, for something you may not be legally guilty of. Don't risk everything.

If you or someone you care about is in this kind of legal crisis, things are already bad enough. Take control of this situation, or it will take control of you. contact us for a free consultation. We can provide you with the best, most aggressive legal defense possible. And if you're facing these charges, you're going to need the best defense attorney you can find.

Client Reviews
When I was arrested for DUI, I was absolutely terrified. Had it not been for you, I might have been convicted of something I was not at all guilty of. My work life, my family life, my reputation, all could have been destroyed. You stood by me like the legal version of a bodyguard - and because of you, I was found not guilty. G.M.
When we got the call that our son had been arrested and charged with rape, we almost fainted. We know our son. He is not violent; he has never abused anyone, let alone another girl… If not for you and your "take no prisoners" attitude, our son might have been convicted of a crime that would have sent him to state prison. As far as we're concerned, our son owes you his life, and we owe you the world. We will never forget you. A.H. and P.H.
I hired Mr. William D. Kickham for a very important legal issue and I was extremely satisfied by the results. His in depth knowledge about the matter and his intelligent thinking was extremely beneficial. He is really an expert. He was also very supportive and sensitive towards my concerns. It was great to have a lawyer of his capacity. Thanks William for all the Help. N.G.
Atty. Kickham defended me on a charge of raping my girlfriend, who made up the whole story out of revenge because I was interested in someone else. If it weren’t for Attorney Kickham proving me innocent, God knows what might have happened to me. Z.B.
Mr. Kickham represented me on a trumped-up charge of domestic violence. The prosecutor and police wouldn’t back down, even after my spouse told them it was all untrue. They insisted on taking me to trial, and Mr. Kickham never wavered. He was my legal bodyguard, and I was found not guilty. M.B.
Of the many talents Atty. Kickham has, two are these: 1) He is ten times as persuasive as the best lawyer you’ve seen in the movies; and 2) Nothing - but nothing - gets by him. The police arrested me on completely false drug charges, and after a heated courtroom battle, Atty. Kickham won the day. Trust me, it was no surprise. D.C.
Because I mildly disciplined my child for throwing a tantrum, I was actually charged with child abuse. It was horrifying. Atty. Kickham fought for me tooth and nail, until I was declared not guilty. One hell of a lawyer. D.D.
I complimented a co-worker on her looks and patted her on the back as I did so. Two hours later, the police showed up and accused me of indecent assault & battery. From the day I hired him, Atty. Kickham fought the DA’s office until the charges were dropped. If not for him, my life would have been ruined. A.K.
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